Tulay Adali honored as UMBC Presidential Research Professor for the term 2024-2027.
Tulay Adali started her term as the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, January 1, 2024.
Tulay Adali delivered a plenary talk at the
2023 IEEE International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP 2023), December 12, 2023.
Tulay Adali delivered keynote at the 2023 IEEE-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI 2023), October 17, 2023.
Tulay Adali receives the 2022 IEEE Signal Processing Society Leo L. Beranek Meritorious Service Award presented at ICASSP 2023.
Tulay Adali is elected Chair of the IEEE
Brain Technical Community , and her term started Jan 2023.
Joshua Slaughter is named a Marshall Scholar, Dec. 2021.
M.A.B. Siddique Akhoda receives the Best Student Paper Award at DSLW 2021, June 2021.
Joshua Slaughter receives a Goldwater Scholarship, April 2021.
Tulay Adali receives Humboldt Research Award, May 2020.
Tulay Adali has been elected as VP for Technical Directions of the IEEE Signal
Processing Society, May 2018, for the period January 1, 2019-January 1, 2022.
Mohammad Abu Bak Siddique Akhonda receives the Best PhD Research Paper award from the Dept of CSEE, May 2018.
Tulay Adali delivered plenaries at CAMSAP 2017 and ICECTA 2017, and tutorials at
MLSP 2017 and
DeepLearn 2018 Summer School.
Zois Boukouvalas receives the Graduate Student Research Award from the UMBC College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, April 2017.
Darren Emge receives the PhD Forum Award at our flagship conference
ICASSP 2017 .
Dr. Adali has been named a 2015 Fulbright Scholar and an Otto Mønsteds Professor for 2015 and 2016.
Tulay Adali has been appointed Distinguished University Professor, April 2015.
Three members of the MLSP-Lab receive Ph.D.s, Spring 2013.
Tulay Adali receives 2012-2013 USM Regents' Faculty Award for Scholarship/Research/Creative Activity, June 2013.
Tulay Adali has been named an IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer. Her term
has been effective starting January 1, 2012.
"Complex-valued signal processing: The proper way to deal with impropriety," by Adali, Schreier, and Scharf,
is among the top 100 most downloaded articles (July 2011-December 2011) from the IEEEXplore
2011 IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award:
"Complex ICA using Nonlinear Functions" by Adali, Li, Novey, and Cardoso.
Our research is mentioned in the March 2011 issue of the IEEE Spectrum:
Learning to diagnose mental illnesses from fMRI data.