This package performs library partitioning and target detection for Raman data. 1. Run JCSD_LibraryPreProcessing_main.m Preprocsse spectrum library with and without baseline correction for spectrum range [500 - 1700] and [300 3500]. Preprocesssed library and partitions are stored in: JCSDLibs_BroadSpectrum.mat JCSDLibs_BaselineCorrected_BroadSpectrum.mat JCSDLibs_NarrowSpectrum.mat JCSDLibs_BaselineCorrected_NarrowSpectrum.mat Note: provide correct path for the original library file as load('./Apr07Library/JCSDLib.mat'); %load in 'lbryMtrx' 2. Run JCSD_DCCP_Detection_main.m Perform DCCP detection for given datafile. Note: provide correct path for the datafile as datafilename='./data9.10.07/asphalt_tmes1.dat'; 3. Detailed description for the code can be found in each source file. Note: Please run complie.m before step 1 if it is the first time to run the program. It installs the "Rice Wavelet Toolbox" for spectrum smoothing.